How to buy a Kitten
The Cattery
Here is some advice on how to choose your ideal Persian kitten In General: I would recommend that you choose a Kitten from a serious breeder rather than buy a kitten from a pet shop. It is against the rules and regulations of FIFe to pass on your kittens to pet shops for sale. In effect a breeder will be monitoring the kitten constantly. It will be raised with care, love and attention, thus the kitten will turn out to be sociable and used to living in a house. It is necessary to know that you have a choice between a pet kitten, a breeder or a show kitten. Difference will be made on criteria of the standard of the Persian Breed acknowledged by LOOF. ( Breed standard). You can acquire quite a nice pet kitten (with regard to the breed standard) which will have the look of a show kitten. However it might have a defect which will make it impossible for the kitten to be shown. One may obtain a pet kitten for around 700 Euro. The price of a breeder or a Show kitten will start from 700 Euro up. If you are going to choose a show kitten make sure to go to the cattery to obtain all necessary information regarding the cat. Cats are vetted in during cat shows. The animal controls in exhibitions are not a guarantee of good health of the Kitten. In general the officials are happy to identify the cat especially when there is a delay. Clever babies arrive last at the vetting in. Above all see to it that your " Coup de coeur" is jolly, not afraid, clean and very alert . and say that a Persian is a wise cat although it is not a lesser cat and believe me at home there are many mad chases and nice fights (for you to laugh).
Health Checks: 1-Eyes: They must be perfectly clean without a trace of yellow around the eyes. The kitten must perfectly open both eyes and not crinkle or blink the eyes. The eyes may be a of Blue colour for colourpoints, green for Chinchillas and Orange for Persians in other cases , you may also have odd eyed Persians or Persians with blue eyes. This is a case in point with white Persians. A show cat must have eyes of a very deep colour. The nose: Nostrils must be well opened so that the kitten is able to breathe normally. If nostrils are too pinched (eliminatory for standard) you will indeed have respiratory problems later. Make sure that the kitten does not have a runny nose. For show standard the eye must be at the same level of the nose. A long nose indicates a pet quality kitten. If you are told that the nose is going to go up, it is quite possible , however a long nose will definitely remain a long nose. 3-The head: The top of head must be round, good doming is a must not bumps or ridges. This is the Persians Standard 4-Ears: The ears have to be wide apart, small and not sticking out. It is very difficult to pinpoint the ideal site , however you will realize that well places ears give an aspect of "Sweet look" to your kitten. They ought to be perfectly clean without any trace of greasiness.. 5-The chin he must be strong and set well 6. Teeth: The teeth have to be well placed. They should close perfectly. No overbite and no underbite.. The front teeth have to close tooth on tooth. A minimum gap of (2 - 3 mm) is tolerated by the breed standard. However it is necessary to know about this problem because it deteriorates with age. This is alright for a pet cat but not for a show cat of company. This problem will definitely disqualify a cat if it is shown. A breeder /show cat should be bought/sold at the age of four and a half months or five months. At that age the canines are out and you may tell definitely about the the teeth placement. A fault may be easily detected. 7. The body: The body must be short (not too short) and cobby. A strong sturdy cat. 8- The coat: The coat must be full not moulting. A kitten without a good coat will never have a good coat later on. Personally as I think that this is the most important criterion of a Persian it is necessary to remain uncompromising on this aspect of your kitten. Pass your fingers the wrong way of the coat . It must be silky and without knots. Make sure to groom the underside of arms . The kitten
should not have knots on the tummy. (idem). 9-The legs ,ust be strong and stocky. 10-The tail should not be too long , plush and full.
Administrative checks: During the sale of a kitten the breeder must provide you: 1-A signed bill by both parties. See a bill 2-The Pedigree Card or microchip of the kitten which is a title deed: this document can be kept and sent directly by the breeder to the controller for identification when the kitten is completely paid. It must also be signed by both parties. The controller will send you a card in your name.. This is the way I go about my business of selling a kitten.. See a card of identification. 3-The book of vaccination: I would like to point out that the kitten has a double obligatory vaccination.. It has a first vaccine and a second vaccination a month after. Recall costs about 40 Euro. it is a criterion to negotiate the price of your cat. 4-The pédigree: The breeder must provide you with proof that the kitten is definitely registered. LOOF provides a form whereby the breeder registers the birth of a kitten at six weeks. Registration With LOOF costs the breeder 35 Euro. All of this may add to the price of a kitten. If the breeder would like to retain the ancestry of the cat , the breeder may and can demand for a Pédigrée which states that the cat is neutered. The breeder will give you the pédigrée on receipt of The certificate from the veterinary surgeon that he has definitely neutered the kitten. If the cat is not show quality but Pet quality. I will still provide a pedigree because I find it difficult to deprive the breeder of the cat’s origins. Pédigrée can also be issued to the purchaser as soon as the kitten is completely paid. See a pédigree 5-A book explaining the upkeep of your cat will also be provided by the breeder: This booklet will have advice on bathing, feeding etc... I wish you very sincerely all the happiness of the world with your kitten
La Chatterie des Laines Blanches All rights reserved Content & pictures june 2004 |