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Using homeopathic medecines is the same as using traditional medicines:

If you know any other types of veterinary homeopathies, please let me know


I would like to thank Mrs Marie-Noelle Issautier -veterinary doctor- of Laboratoires Boiron (France) for the precious information that she shared with me.

She is co-author of the book: "Thérapeutique homéopathie vétérinaire " This book is written for vets and breeders, it provides a compendium of key symptoms one might come across in most domestic animals' pathology (ruminant, carnivorous, equine, porcine) as well as a study of the main corresponding homeopathic medicines.










Echinacea Angustifolia

PVB Abces




Preventive or Adjuvant in the treatment of suppurative inflictions

Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight every hour, for the first 6 hours, then space out the treatment for the following 2,3,4 hours

Pyrogentum 5CH

Hepar Sulfur 7CH

Silicea 7CH

Calcarea sulfurica 7CH

Echinacea Angustifolia 3CH

Belladonna 5CH

Myristica sebifera 3CH




PVB Angine




Adjuvant or treatment of the inflammation of the isthmus of the throat  and the Pharynx, young cats' diseases and complications of the coryza

Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight every hour for the first 12 hours, then twice a day until you see an improvement


Mercurius Solubilis 5CH

Belladonna 5CH

Kalium bichromicum 4CH

Mercurius cyanatus 4CH

Diphterotoxinum 7CH

Apis Mellifica 5CH

Phytolacca decandra 5CH

Lachesis mutus 5CH


Anxiété - Nervosité

(Anxiety - Nervousness)





Heals anxiety-related disorders, nervousness, emotionalism


Sumbulus D3

Oleum Gaultheriae D4

Cicuta Virosa D4

Asa Foetida D3

Corydalis Formosa D3

Ignatia D4

Valeriana D3

Staphysagria D4

Avena Sativa T.M.

Hyoscyamus D2 AA


Anxiété - Nervosité

(Anxiety - Nervousness)


PVB Sédatif Nerveux



Nervous behavioral disorders. emotional instability. Exaggerated aggressiveness. Pre-show apprehension

Give 5 or 60 drops depending on weight morning and evening for 20 days


Datura stramomium 5CH

Hyoscyamus niger 5CH

Passiflora incarnata 2CH

Ballota foetida 2CH

Oenanthe crocata 7CH

Ignatia amara 7CH

Moschus 5CH

Zincum metallicum 5CH




PVB Tonique et Reconstituant



Growth disorders, Adjuvant in the treatment of rickits, Convalescence, Following an exhausting illness, Asthenia, weakness

Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight morning and evening for 10 days, then once a day for 10 days

Start the treatment again 4 weeks later


Calcarea carbonica 5CH

Calcarea phosphorica 5CH

Calcarea Fluorica 5CH

Phosphoricum acidum 3CH

Avena sativa germinata 3CH

Gentiana lutea 3CH

Helonias Dioica 4CH

China 3CH

Natrum muriaticum 4CH





Avena sativa

Vétophyl Forfifiant



Growth disorders, Adjuvant in the treatment of rickits, Convalescence, Following an exhausting illness, Asthenia, weakness

Pets : 1 to 3 tablets depending on weight twice a day for 7 days, then once a day for 10 days.

Start the treatment again 4 weeks later




Calcarea carbonica 3DH

Calcarea phosphorica 3DH

Calcarea Fluorica 3DH

Avena sativa  3DH

Phosphoricum acidum 5CH

Avena sativa 3DH

Natrum muriaticum 7CH

China 5CH

Silicea 7CH


Cicatrisation osseuse

(Bone Healing)

PVB Poudre Calcique



Adjuvant in the treatment of healing bones (surgery, trauma). Growth disorders, Prevention and follow up of muscular, ligament and tendon strain, General state of fatigue

Puppies, kittens : 1 tablespoon morning afternoon and evening

Adults : 1 tablespoon morning and evening

3 week curative treatment. Start again every 8 weeks.


Calcarea carbonica 3DH

Calcarea fluorica 3DH

Calcarea phosphorica 3DH

Sulfur iodatum 3DH

Arnica montana 3DH

Symphytum officinale 3DH

Ruta graveolens 3DH


Dermatoses Suintantes

(Seeping Dermatosis)


Daphnee mezereum

Vétophyl Dermatoses suintante



Cats and Dogs: Homeopathic medecine traditionally used when treating itchy seeping skin afflictions as well as the specific treatment, if one exists.

1 tablet for animals who weigh less than 10 kg 3 times a day for 3 days then twice a day for 5 days or until the symptoms disappear

Space out the treatment as soon as you see an improvement, put directly into the animal's mouth or mix into food


Mezereum 5CH

Graphites 7CH

Petroleum 5CH

Dolichos pruriens  4CH

Rhus toxicodendron 7CH

Sulfur 9CH



Désinfectant auriculaire

(Auricular disinfectant)

Vétophyl solution auriculaire Local disinfection of the outside of the skin and of the mucous membrane

Calendula TM

Borate de sodium




PVB Diarrhées


Preventive ou Adjuvant in the treatment of diarrhoea (caused by weaning or overload) and gastro-enteritis of kittens and adults

5 to 20 drops every hour for 6 hours, then every 2,3,4 hours until you see an improvement

Podophyllum Peltatum 5CH

Mercurius corrosivus 5CH

Veratrum Album 5CH

Colchicum Autumnale 5CH

Natrum sulfuricum 5CH

Phosphoricum Acidum 5CH

China 3CH

Ipeca 3CH

Ricinus communis 5CH

Chelidonium majus 3CH

Calcarea carbonica 7CH

Arsenicum album 5CH





Veratrum album

Vétophyl Diarrhée



Preventive or Adjuvant in the treatment of diarrhoea (caused by weaning or overload) and gastro-enteritis of kittens and adults

Pets : 1 to 3 tablets depending on weight as an intensive treatment 3 times a day for 2 days, then twice a day for 3 days.


Podophylium peltatum 5CH

China 5CH

Mercurius corrosivus 7CH

Veratrum album 7CH

Cuprum matallicum 7CH

Arsenicaum album 7CH






PVB drainage


Eczema caused afflictions, dry and oozing, acute and chronic, pruritus, Canine Auricular Catarrhe

Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight morning, afternoon and evening for 2 days then morning and evening for 15 days.

Mezereum 5CH

Graphites 5CH

Viola Tricolor 3CH

Petroleum 5CH

Dolichos pruriens 5CH

Rhus toxicodendron 5CH

Sulfur 7CH

Psorinum 7CH

Pulsatilla 3CH

Solidago Virga aurea 3CH

Saponaria Officinalis 3CH

Arsenicum Album 5CH












Dry and pruritus eczema, cracking skin.

Pets : 1 to 3 tablets depending on weight morning and evening for 10 days, space out the treatment as soon as you see an improvement.


Psorinum 9CH

Arsenicum album 7CH

Arsenicum iodatum 7CH

Sarsaparilla 6DH

Solidago 6DH

Chelidonium 6DH

Berberis vulgaris 6DH

Etat Fébrile


PVB Etats Fébriles



Preventive or Adjuvant in the treatment on feverish or inflammatory states. Suitable treatment in case of ear inflammation, Infections of the uterus.

5 to 20 drops every half hour for the first 3 hours, then every hour for the following 4 hours and the space out the treatment for 2,3,4 hours until you see an improvement.



Belladonna 4CH

Bryonia 4CH

Pyrogenium 7CH

Ferrum Phosphoricum 5CH

Baptisia tinctoria 5CH

Echinacea Angustifolia 3CH

Mercurius solubilis 4CH

Apis Mellifica 5CH

Aurum Metallicum 5CH

Arsenicum album 4CH

Psorinum 7CH


Etat Fébrile



Vétophyl Etats Fébriles




Preventive or Adjuvant in the treatment of feverish and inflammatory states. Suitable treatment in case of ear inflammation, Chronic infections of the uterus.

Pets : 1 to 3 tablets depending on weight morning afternoon and evening for 2 days, then once or twice a day for 3 days.


Belladonna 7CH

Apis Mellifica 7CH

Ferrum Phosphoricum 7CH

Pyrogenium 5CH

Mercurius solubilis 15CH

Hepar Sulfur 15CH




(ne se fait plus demander la preparation)



Prepares the body for the birth . Aids the dilation of the cervix and regulates the contractions.

Give 10 days before the birth

5 drops morning and evening for cats who weigh less than 5kgs

 5 to10 kgs 10 drops

over 10kgs : 20 drops


Arnica 4CH

Caulophyllum 4CH

Actaea racemosa 5CH

Pulsatilla 5CH

Secale Cornutum 5CH




Aletris farinosa




Helps eliminate toxins and has an antispasmodic  and decongesting action on the female genital organs.

 Give for 6 days after the birth. Cleans the uterus.


Actea Racemosa 4CH

Aletris  Farinosa 4CH

Cantharis 5CH


(Small Haemorrhages)


PVB  hémostatique



Preventive or adjuvant in the treatment of accidental or surgical small haemorrhages and their consequences. Epistaxis, Hemolactation

Give 5 to 60 drops every 1/4 hour for 1 hour, then every 1/2 hour for 2 hours, then morning, afternoon and evening for 2 days and morning and evening for 5 days.


China 4CH

Arnica montana 4CH

Millefolium 4CH

Trillium pendulum 5CH

Ipeca 4CH

Secale cornutum 4CH

Crotalus horridus 7CH




PVB Drainage hepatique



Adjuvant in the treatment hepatic insufficiency and its consequences. Biliary secretion stimulant. Purgative

Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight morning, afternoon and evening for 2 days then morning and evening for 15 days. Start the treatment again 1 month later.


Taraxacum dens leonis 3DH

Chelidonium majus 5CH

Carduus marianus 3CH

Cynara Scolymus 3DH

Hydrastris Canadensis 3CH

Lycopodium Clavatum 5CH

China 3DH

Solidago virga aurea 3CH

Berberis Vulgaris 3CH

Sulfur 7CH





Hyocyamus niger

Vétophyl Sedatif sexuel male






Exaggerated sexual behavious of domestic males. Hypermasculinity, animal in heat.


Cat : 1 tablet morning afternoon and evening for the first 3 days as soon as you notice the first signs of excitement or will to run away, then one tablet twice a day during the entire female heat period

Dog : 1 to 3 tablets a day depending on weight morning and evening for the first few days then 1 tablet a day

Start the treatment again as soon as you notice the first signs of sexual excitement. 

Hyocyamus niger 7CH

Rana bufo 7CH

Moschus 7CH

Murex purpurea 7CH
Orchitinum 15 CH




PVB troubles de la fécondité




Adjuvant in the treatment of infertility, frigidity

Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight twice a day for 3 weeks



Agnus castus 3CH

Onosmodium virginianum 3CH

Folliculinum 3CH

Hypophysis 3CH

Phosphoricum acidum 3CH

Progesteronum 3CH

Sepia 7CH


Insuffisances hépathique et rénale.

(Renal and hepathic insufficiency)


Vétophyl Dépuratif



Renal and hepathic insufficiency, excessive feeding

Pets : 1 to 3 tablets depending on weight morning and evening for 10 days, Start the treatment again 3 weeks later.


Chelidonium majus 6DH

Solidago virga aurea 6DH

Berberis vulgaris 6DH

Taraxacum dens leonis 3DH

Carduus marianus 6DH

Cynara scolymus 3DH

Irritation oculaire

(Ocular irritation)



Cleans and heals eye irritations


Euphrasia Officinalis 3DH

calengula Officinalis 3DH

Magnesia Carbonica 5CH


Irritation oculaire

(Ocular irritation)


Use in case of watery eyes

3 Gr/day

Staphysagria 5 ou 7CH

Irritation oculaire

(Ocular irritation)





This is a drug and isn't homeopathic but my vet recommends it in case of eye irritations as it allows your vet to take samples in order to better analyse the eye without affecting the results despite taking the drug



Agnus castus

PVB insuffisance laitiere


Decrease milk secretion. Insufficient lactation.

Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight morning, afternoon and evening for 6 days, then every morning for 10 days


Calcarea Carbonica 7CH

Calcarea Phosphorica 7CH

Pulsatilla 3CH

Urtica Urens 5CH

Agnus castus 5CH

Ricinus communis 5CH

Avena Sativa 3DH


Lactation PVB Galactorrhée



Preventive or adjuvant in the treatment milk flow outside of ordinary lactation conditions (nervous lactation, galactorrhea)

Preventive or adjuvant of the psychological drying up of the milk and its consequences.

Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight morning, afternoon and evening for the first 2 days the morning and evening for 10 days.



Calcarea Carbonica 7CH

Pulsatilla 9CH

Lac caninum 5CH

China 3CH

Ignatia amara 7CH

Silicea 9CH



(Mastitis - Not for Cats)

(pas pour le chat)


PVB Mammites


Preventive or adjuvant in the treatment of mastitis in big animals. Mastitis due to a galactorrhea linked to nervous lactation (in dogs)

Give 20 to 60 drops morning, afternoon and evening for 3 days, then morning and evening for 4 days.

Belladonna 5CH

Apis mellifica 5CH

Pulsatilla 5CH

Staphylococcinum 5CH

Streptococcinum 5CH

Conium maculatum 5CH

Phytolacca decandra 5CH

Pyrogenium 7CH

Hepar sulfur 7CH



(Chronic uterine infection)

PVB affection de la matrice



Preventive and adjuvant in the treatment of matrix afflictions


Preventive : Give de 5 to 60 drops depending on weight

 Day 1 : Morning and evening

Day 2 : Morning, afternoon and evening

Day 3 : morning and evening

Curative : Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight : morning, afternoon and evening for the first 2 days, then morning and evening the 3 following days.


Pyrogenium 5CH

Hepar sulfur 7CH

Echinacea Angustifolia 4CH

Actea Racemosa 4CH

Aletris farinosa 5CH

Bovista Gigantea 4CH

Helonias dioica 5CH

Sépia 5CH

Hydrastis canadensis 5CH





Aethusa cynapium


PVB nausées



Preventive and Adjuvant in the treatment of nausea, vomiting and motion sickness. Hypersalivation.


Nausea and sickness when travelling. Preventive and curative treatment :

Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight 1 hour before you leave, then as you get into the vehicle and every 2 hours during the journey.


Nausea and sickness caused by something else (not motion sickness)

Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight every 1/2 hour then every hour, then every 2 hours until you see an improvement.


Tabacum 4CH

Cocculus indicus 4CH

Petroleum 4CH

Ipeca 5CH

Antimomium crudum 5CH

Aethusa cynapium 4CH

Calcarea carbonica 7CH

Ignatia amara 7CH




Vétophyl Mal des Transports



Preventive and Adjuvant in the treatment of nausea, sickness and motion sickness.

1 tablet for an animal that weighs 10 kilos to be taken orally, the day before the journey then 1 hour before you leave and again during the journey if necessary

Put straight into the animal's mouth or mix into food.


Tabacum 5CH

Cocculus indicus 5CH

Petroleum 5CH

Ipeca 5CH


Nez qui coule

(Runny nose)



Treats a watery runny nose

Do not delay give 3 Gr/ day for 10 days


Allium Cepa 5 ou 7 Ch
Nez qui coule

(Runny nose)


Treats a thick and dark runny nose

1 granule / day for 10 days


Allium Cepa 3 CH

Belladonna 3CH

Euphrasia Officinalis 3CH

Hydrargyrl subchloridum mlte 3CH

Hydrastis canadensis 3CH

Kalli Dichromas 3CH

Sambucus Nigra 3CH






PVB Sedatif Sexuel



Nymphomania, Exaggerated sexual behaviour of females in heat. Exaggerated sexual behaviour of males.

Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight morning, afternoon and evening for 15 days and start the treatment again 4 weeks later.


Moschus 5CH

Murex purpurea 5CH

Platina 5CH

Origanum majorana 5CH

Folliculinum 7CH

Hyoscyamus niger 5CH







PVB Sédatif sexuel femelle




Nymphomania, Exaggerated sexual behaviour of females in heat.

Pets :

Female cat : 1 tablet morning, afternoon and evening for the first 3 days then 1 tablet twice a day for 8 days

Female dog : 1 to 3 tablets a day depending on weight for 20 days as soon as you notice the first drops of blood

Start the treatment again if sexual behaviour changes.



Platina  7CH

Moschus  7CH

Murex purpurea  7CH

Origanum  7CH

Folliculinum  15CH







Ledum Palustre


PVB Rhumatismes





Cats and dogs : homeopathic medication traditionally used when treating locomotive pain as well as the prescribed medication (if there is one).


Acute pain : Give one drop per kilo of body weight every 2 hours for the first 12 hours then morning, afternoon and evening until the symptoms disappear


Chronic pain : Give on drop per kilo of body weight morning, afternoon and evening for the first 2 days, then morning and evening.

3 week Curative treatment to be done every month for 3 months.


For both cases :

Put straight into the animal's mouth using a  graduated pipette or dilute in the drinking water or mix into food


Rhus toxicodendron 5CH

Bryonia Alba 5CH

Dulcamara 3CH

Apis mellifica 4CH

Ruta graveolens 4CH

Arnica montana 4CH

Ledum Palustre 4CH


Troubles Broncho-Pulmonaire

(Broncho-Pulmonary problems)


Aconitum napellus

PVB Broncho-Pulmonaire



Adjuvant in the treatment of broncho-pulmonary afflictions in mammals and birds, Coryzas, Acute and chronic coughs

Acute state : give 5 to 20 drops every hour fr 6 hours, then every 2 hours for 12 hours, then every 4 hours for the following 12 hours and space out the treatment when you see an improvement.

Chronic states : injection



Antimonium tartaricum 5CH

Bryonia 5CH

Ipeca 3CH

Aconitum napellus 5CH

Belladonna 5CH

Drosera 3CH

Rumex crispus 5CH

Sticta pulmonaria 4CH

Pulsatilla 5CH


Troubles urinaires

(Urinary problems)

PVB Troubles urinaires



Preventifve or adjuvant in the treatment of urinary tract afflictions, cystitis, renal insufficiency.

Acute states : Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight every hour for the first 12 hours, then every 4 hours the second day, then morning, afternoon and evening until you see an improvement.

Chronic states : 5 to 60 drops depending on weight morning, afternoon and evening unitl you see an improvement.



Cantharis 5CH

Sérum d'anguille 5CH

Apis mellifica 5CH

Mercurius corrosivus 4CH

Belladonna 5CH

Terebinthina 5CH

Berberis Vulgaris 3CH

Solidago virga aurea 3CH







PVB Etat Vermineux



Treatment against worms


Give 5 to 60 drops depending on weight morning and evening for 8 days then the 8th day administer your usual worming treatment

Start the treatment again 6 weeks later and every new season


Cina 3CH

Sabadilla 5CH

Spigelia Anthelmia 5CH

Cuprum Oxydatum 4CH

Granatum 4CH

Sulfur 5CH






Vetophyl Etat Vermineux




Treatment against worms


Pets : 1 to 3 tablets depending on weight for 7 days, then the 8th day, administer your usual worming treatment


Cina 5CH

Cina 3DH

Spigelia Anthelmia 5CH

Granatum 3DH

Kousso 3DH

Cuprum Oxydatum 6DH





PVB Verrues




Homeopathic treatment usually used to treat warts in cats and dogs.


Give one drop per kilo of body weight orally morning and evening until the warts disappear

Put straight into the animal's mouth with a graduated pipette or dilute into the drinking water or mix into food.



Thuya occidentalis 4CH

Staphysagria 5CH

Nitricum acidum 5CH

Antimonium crudum 5CH

Causticum 5CH

Sabina 4CH

Calcarea carbonica 7CH





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